Roof maintenance plans might be more of an afterthought for the average homeowner, but they shouldn’t be! There are several good reasons why you should consider opting-in to a roof service plan with a qualified, certified roofing contractor, and not just a handyman.

Extend The Life Of Your Roof

You can’t know the general health of your roof unless you have it inspected regularly. Having a professional keep an eye on the condition of your investment means that when a problem arises, it will be caught immediately. This results in less wear and tear over time, because it prevents the small problems from becoming larger stressors on the overall roof system. To get the longest life out of your roof, regular inspection, and maintenance is a must!

Lower Roof Repair Costs

Along with extending the life of your roof, catching problems early means that the repairs are generally much simpler and easier to perform, which also means you save time and money when it comes to labor and materials. When less of the roof is affected by a problem, the less severe the overall treatment needs to be, resulting in a lower overall cost to the homeowner.

Reduce The Time Of Troubleshooting And Repairing Your Roof

When you have certified professionals routinely analyzing your roof, they become very familiar with the unique quirks of your particular roof and will know how to approach any problem that might arise and fix it much sooner than if they’re looking at your roof for the first time. Let some certified professionals get to know your roof with a maintenance plan.

Insurance Claim Qualification For Roofs

Not all damage done to a roof qualifies for an insurance claim, but if it does, it’s important to determine that as soon as possible. If you have us inspect the damage soon after it happened, we can guarantee that if it qualifies for a claim, we can have it taken care of within the grace period given by your insurance company. If it doesn’t qualify for a claim, we’ll be able to provide a quick estimate on how to repair the damage and prevent any further headaches from occurring.

How To Keep Your Roof Under Manufacturer Warranty

Some roofing systems have specific maintenance requirements in order to remain under warranty. Having a routine roof service plan is a great way to make sure that all of the tasks required to stay under the manufacturer warranty are getting done. Ensure that you stay within the requirements of your roof warranty with a quality roof maintenance plan.

Roofing Turtle Roof Service Plan $550 Annually

Annual roof tune-up includes:

  • Roof inspection
  • Seal exposed nail heads
  • Inspect roof ventilation
  • Inspect pipe jacks and vents
  • Up to two post-storm roof inspections

All services are performed by a GAF Certified Roofing Contractor

In Central Texas, the sun doesn’t quit. When it rains, it rains hard and when there’s a storm, there’s no telling how many branches are going to land on your roof. Our Annual Roof Service Plan is a great way to bring a little predictability to otherwise unpredictable circumstances. When you sign up for our service, the next time a storm blows through, you can have us out soon after to inspect any damage that might have occurred or even just make sure that nail heads are properly sealed up before they become a problem. We’ll also inspect the ventilation of your roof as well as pipe jacks so that we’ll be way ahead of any potential problems. Our plan is only $550 for the whole year. We’d love to take a look at your roof and save you money in the long run.

10% Discount For Service Plan Package

We also have a home service plan, fence service plan, and gate service plan. If you bundle all of these service plans with our roof service plan, you’ll get 10% off of the overall price! Sign up for your service plans today call 1-833-688-7853 or submit a request on our contact page.