Concrete roofing tiles are a popular choice for homeowners in Bastrop, Texas, known for their durability and longevity. However, like any roofing material, they come with their share of common problems that homeowners should be aware of. At Roofing Turtle, we are a qualified installer of synthetic shingles and take pride in being the first to install a synthetic roof in Bastrop County. Here are the key issues you need to know about concrete roofing tiles.

1. Cracking and Breakage


Concrete tiles are prone to cracking and breakage over time, which can be caused by factors such as extreme weather conditions, thermal expansion and contraction, or improper installation. These cracks and breaks not only affect the appearance of the roof but can also lead to water leaks and structural damage if not addressed promptly.


2. Color Fading


Another common problem with concrete tiles is color fading, especially when exposed to harsh sunlight and UV rays. This can result in a patchy and uneven look on the roof, diminishing the overall curb appeal of the property. Regular maintenance and occasional resealing can help mitigate this issue.


3. Heavy Weight


Concrete tiles are significantly heavier than other roofing materials like asphalt shingles or metal panels. While their weight adds to their durability, it can also pose challenges during installation and maintenance. Structural reinforcement may be necessary to support the added weight, increasing the overall cost of the roofing project.


4. Water Absorption


Being porous, concrete tiles can absorb water over time, leading to issues such as water stains, mold growth, and algae formation on the roof surface. Proper sealing and waterproofing treatments are essential to reduce water absorption and extend the lifespan of concrete tiles.


5. Maintenance Challenges


Maintaining concrete roofing tiles can be more labor-intensive compared to other materials. Regular cleaning to remove debris, moss, and algae is crucial to prevent water pooling and potential damage. Repairing cracked or broken tiles requires expertise to ensure a proper seal and prevent further issues.


6. Limited Design Options


While concrete tiles offer a range of colors and profiles, they may have more limited design options compared to synthetic roofing shingles. Homeowners looking for specific aesthetics or architectural styles may find synthetic shingles to be a more versatile and customizable option.


Comparison with Synthetic Roofing Shingles


In comparison, synthetic roofing shingles offer several advantages over concrete tiles. They are lighter in weight, making installation easier and reducing the need for structural reinforcement. Synthetic shingles also come in a wide range of colors, styles, and textures, allowing for greater design flexibility and customization. Additionally, they are resistant to cracking, fading, and water absorption, offering long-term durability and low maintenance.


At Roofing Turtle, we recommend considering synthetic roofing shingles as an alternative to concrete tiles, especially for homeowners in Bastrop, Texas. Our expertise as a qualified installer of synthetic shingles ensures high-quality installation and superior performance for your roofing needs.


Roofing Turtle Can Provide the Roofing Solution You’re Looking For!


While concrete roofing tiles have their benefits, it’s important to be aware of the common problems associated with them. Considering alternative roofing materials like synthetic shingles can provide homeowners with more durable and versatile options for their roofs in Bastrop, Texas.

Give us a call at 1-833-688-7853 or get a quote online.